The paperless society is upon us. With HR Management from, Inc.. you will enter the modern age of Document Imaging! Attach important documents to your employee records within HR Diamond. Fully supports a paperless compliant environment. The Office Assistant allows you to check your database for missing information and it also can remind you to perform an evaluation, or renew a certification or work permit. Track which benefit an employee has and whether they are using it. Create and Track your own evaluations. HR allows you to build an evaluation including categories and point values. HR allows to track how many times an employee has been warned. Complete warning information can be tracked as well as warning type. HR allows you to build your own lists of information in certain categories. Once you’ve added something to the list, it can be brought up with a few key punches. HR allows access to be granted at the module level as well as the department level. Employees are given access to see only their own information. HR offers numerous videos to help walk you through each section. These video are available on the website. HR offers over 70 reports. Even if you can’t find the report you are looking for, HR allows you to build your own report template. An employee’s work history can be generated whenever their position changes. Department, position, title and salary changes can all be tracked through If an employee takes a training course, you can record it here in HR. Certifications can be stored for each employee in HR. The Office Assistant can remind you when certifications are due to be renewed.Emailable Reports All reports in HR can be emailed. 30 people took a training course and you don’t want to enter it in 30 times? Just use HR’s Group Data Entry. Entering in data for 30 is as easy as entering it in for 1. HR Linked to SoftTime HR Linked to TimeKRON Download our brochure and / ir manual today, or watch any or all of our vudeos.